Hibiki Harmony, also known as Hibiki No Number, is a Japanese Whiskey product that is popular in the Vietnamese market as well as around the world. Hibiki Harmony was launched to the public in 2015, released with Hibiki’s previously available products: Hibiki 12 Year Old, Hibiki 17 Year Old, Hibiki 30 Year Old. And Hibiki Harmony is the youngest product line, not showing age when released.
Hibiki Harmony is a complex combination and blend of Japanese Single Malt wines, including both older and younger lines, from reputable manufacturers: Yamazaki, Hakushu, Chita… Bottled at a concentration of 43% and a unique bottle with 24 sides symbolizing the 24 seasons in the Japanese lunar calendar.
With a flavor that is considered sweet and mellow, it blends together to create a unique experience for users. Please contact Tuong Vy Wine immediately for enthusiastic advice and the most attentive service.
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